
Lucid Dreamer

The long process is soon getting to its end. Or if you prefer, to the beginning.

Now the mix is done, next week the album will be mastered and ready for production.

Once again I am working with Dirk Rudolph the album artwork and he will nail it soon. You can expect, as before, beautiful photos, maybe more shocking this time 😉

This album took me to several places in the last 2 years, but nothing compared to where it will take us for promotion and touring.


And a new song title: Lucid Dreamer

With Love, Tarja


  1. 04/28/2013

    Espero salga todo muy bien Tarja, y que tu nuevo álbum sea un exitazo! ojalá en una de tus giras puedas venir a Chile, nos has dejado algo en el olvido :/, pero nosotros no a ti :), aquí en Chile te esperamos con los brazos abiertos! … saludos a tu hija y a Marcelo, cuídate

  2. 04/28/2013


  3. Fiorenzo Bucci

    My best wishes, for You, Great Tarja!! ❤

  4. 04/28/2013

    and the audio? just one song please…=)

  5. 04/28/2013

    Tbilisi , Georgia is waiting for you during your next rock tour <3

    Kisses from Tbilisi :*:*:*

  6. 04/28/2013

    No song today?

  7. 04/28/2013

    Hey Tarja!!

    So, a new one “Lucid Dreamer”? It sounds good!! 🙂

    And shocking photos? I’m curious! 🙂 What ‘s it look like!

    I’m sure your new “baby” is great!! I can’t wait to listen to it at the pre-listening in Paris!! 😀 😀

    Lot’s of love from France!
    I love you!! <3

  8. 04/28/2013

    Hey, Tarja!

    Loved to know that soon’s gonna be released a new album =)
    Don’t forget to visit São Paulo, Brazil!


  9. 04/28/2013

    SO EXCITED!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Please come to the US sometime!

  10. Carlos

    hehhe Tarja i love you ya queremos oir tu nuevo album ansio oirlo tenerlo 🙂 *_* Cuidatee mucho diosa y amor :3 !! Besos desde Mexico

  11. 04/28/2013

    tarjaaa te amooooooo eres increibelleee <3 graciassss por mantenernos al tanto 🙂

  12. 04/28/2013

    Hello Tarja,

    The new song title sounds interesting! Can’t wait to hear it.

    I’m very excited to see the new artwork and photo’s 🙂

    Love and Best Wishes,

    Frances x

  13. Ton

    Hé tarya can’t wait to hear your beautiful voice out of my speakers

  14. 04/29/2013

    Everything idealize and dream for this album, besides a rustic atmosphere and many strong colors, images and the Indian style and see her Goddess Indian would be a dream come true. I love Indian culture and believe that this atmosphere would be nice for your style. Dreaming to see her Goddess of Indian Fine Arts. You know who I do not realize this dream? Love you! Love Naomi: D

  15. 04/29/2013

    Turuneeeeen :DDDD I love You so much ^^

    You are mine TURUNEN TARJAAA :’DDDDD

  16. 04/29/2013

    DIOSA Tarja Tururnen….mi DIOSA como siempre todo te saldra bien…solo quiero decirte una cosa que no solamente me declaro sino,que soy tu discipula y tu mi DIOSA….no tengo de nada que renegar, ni nada que reclamar solamente decirte que aca en el salvador tod@s los tarjistas estamos triste por que no has dando un hermoso y mistico concierto aqui…no te olvides de nosotros por favor…..te esperamos ….bueno si no es en esta vida sera en la otra….T.A.M…SALUDOS A TU BEBE Y ATI POR SUPUESTO….

  17. 04/29/2013

    Come to Rosario, Argentina again and again !!!

  18. 04/29/2013

    Maybe the album title…Lucid Dreams makes me think of Ray Caesar’s digital masterpiece. Dirk surely knows what I’m talking about. It’ll be so nice…;) Good work!!!

  19. 04/29/2013

    I really love the title of the new song! love you Tarja! <3

  20. 04/29/2013

    Great, I can’t wait to hear new songs 🙂 Greetings from Serbia <3

  21. 04/29/2013

    Grrrreat girl!!!! I can’t wait:) kisses from Italy, see you soooooon

  22. 04/29/2013

    hello Tarja…Is a wonderful song name title – by mentioned the photos of the post update from your blog i was thought you ‘re gonna write about the meaning about Angels.Angels have this kind of dreams . Is it amazing how you produce music with a sound recorder. I will like in some days to play your songs to a classic guitar player. Keep in touch.Hope you enjoy with your recorder and to produce as many songs as you like. Thank You for this song sound I will be glad and happy to listen at it.Have a nice day.:)

  23. 04/29/2013

    I’m happy that finally my life have changed, I am finally CONFIDENT and JAUNTY about myself ! As promised, and now I’m waiting for Tarja’s new album.

    In my distant past of insecurity, on the other hand, God gave me the ability to dream about the future and things far away from me like Tarja Turunen. I remember somewhat of this photo and your comment about traveling. But I remember very well the photo of “fireplace with Tim,” and the picture of the baby sleeping and listening to Tarja’s metal – a truly Heaven !

    Although I don’t know how much is 7×8, Physics would laugh at me. I’m absolutely sure that the future is already done, and in the case of Tarja, the album is already done in the future, have been sold, and it will be very good.

    Tarja, everything you do and think … generally people do not like to believe that they are being controlled by God as a puppet. The road of life is already done, and what we do is just walk through it.

    I could even show you how will be the album’s artwork, but unfortunately (conveniently) I did not find a similar image… It was dark, Tarja was surrounded by dried branches of trees, and a black background, but in front of her appeared green branches, with two roses entwining.

    dried branches of trees –…8216.13503.0.14321.…0.0…

    two roses entwining –…8216.13503.0.14321.…0.0…1ac.1.11.img.fDLmykDHiP8#hl=pt-BR&site=imghp&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=dark+garden&oq=dark+garden&gs_l=img.3..0i19l2.398473.402867.0.403319.…0.0…1c.1.11.img.Zt3V7Yk0zcc&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.dmg&fp=89e1cd6736da741b&biw=1280&bih=656&

    Well, all that my comment may give the impression that I’m trying to manipulate Tarja. But I just want to thank her, for I have had a chance to hear her powerful / goddess voice. Premonitory dreams was just an unusual way of thanks …

    “Lucid Dreamer” looks like me or what !? haha

  24. 04/29/2013

    Saludos HERMOSA TARJA, desde Venezuela!!! Dios te bendiga y éxito en el nuevo album!!!

  25. 04/29/2013

    Tarja ,

    this name “Lucid Dreamer” reminded me of

    Anyone attempting to possess a flower, see its beauty fading. But those who only look at a flower in a field, will remain forever with her. You’ll never be mine and so you’ll have forever.

    Paulo Coelho

    Em português :
    Quem tentar possuir uma flor, verá sua beleza murchando. Mas quem apenas olhar uma flor num campo, permanecerá para sempre com ela. Você nunca será minha e por isso terei você para sempre.
    Paulo Coelho

    Tarja I look forward

    Love You !!!!

  26. 04/30/2013

    Mais ansioso a cada nova notícia. Parabéns pelo trabalho que vem realizando. Brasil loves you!

  27. 04/30/2013

    Best regards.
    In Peru we are eager to see them and enjoy the best music …
    Almost there …

  28. 04/30/2013

    Hello Tarja again me – Paulo Coelho is a good writer of books ,and one of my favourable book of his writing is called The Alchemist. I have finished to read his book.I will like to hear about your book in some days and to finish reading, Where I can find some books of your band and biography?:)Thank You. Have a sunny day.

  29. 05/02/2013

    Hi. Tarja I’m a really big fan of you, I <3 what you did in all your life career, from here and your bl the end, i will always keep "Tarja" in my mind, best wishes for your baby and Marcelo, and for your upcoming album 😀 seroiusly, can't wait, From Peru! See you on June 30 front line! and hopefully please plese grant me that wish on M&G! Cya later! Rock On! PS: Greetings to Mike and the rest of the orchestra! I'm a composer too,:D and if i had the chance to meet you on the airport i will love to give you one of my songs for you to check it! What do you say? 😀 Thank you , cant wait! Bye lml

  30. Liliana g.g.m

    Me fácimá tu vos pero sobre todo tu esencia única espero nos visites en México D.F q te salga bien todo en todo me considero más q una fan tuya desde tu inicio hasta ahora te amo mucho y espero tener la ficha de verte por aquí

  31. ALEX N.M.

    Hola TARJA linda diosa estamos aciosos por escuchar tu nuevo disco, yo se que sera un exito gracias por todo eres my inspiracion eres mi angel. Saludos ati y a tu hija eres hermosa.

  32. 05/06/2013

    Oh, Tarja! O can’t wait to see this soung about me, lucid dreamer. ha-há 🙂
