
“Victim Of Ritual” cover competition winners

Dear victims of ritual!

Thank you for the amazing amount of spectacular photos you sent me. You obviously put a lot of effort in making them so I truly appreciate it. Nevertheless it was not easy for me to make the decision of the best five, so I decided to choose fifteen! Anyway, you are all winners!
I chose fifteen photos that impressed me for different reasons. Whether they are more artistic, beautiful, odd or somehow moved me.

Thank you again for taking part in this! I had a lot of fun in watching the photos.

With love, Tarja

Angel Javier Molina Rodr¯guez Camila Bolonini Rodr¯guez Douglas_de_Almeida Felipe Bernardo da Silva Giovhanni Mar¯n Ocampo Juan Pablp Foletti Guardia LIA DOS SANTOS DA SILVA Marie-Sol_Richard_Hernandez Mariso Yunuen Camacho Gutierrez Nathalia Suellen Petrović Dejan RubÇn Vallejo Mansilla Ruslan Mirgazov Timo Lorch


  1. 07/22/2013

    Congratulations to the winners…. Tarja I love you I’ll be waiting for you in Argentina at 2014

  2. 07/22/2013

    Hi Tarja!

    You’re right! They made great covers! Congrats to them! 🙂

    Lot’s of love from France!

  3. Alexandra

    OMG! I’m so happy! I had so much fun with taking this photo and working on it and now I see I’m one of the luckiest. Thank you Tarja for great fun and for your amazing and moving music!

  4. Attila

    Congrats to them!
    Nathalia’s is the best for me! 🙂

  5. Marisol

    Win! Thanks Tarja! you’re the best!! <3

  6. Matroskin

    How did you like the Pinky one? хD

  7. 07/22/2013

    Hello Tarja,

    It was really fun taking part in the contest, even if I didn’t win!

    There were lots of great covers!

    Love and Best Wishes,

    Frances x

  8. Timo

    Thank you so much for choosing me 🙂
    Congrats to all the others!

  9. Jéssica

    they are all amazing! congratz!!!

  10. Natalia

    Hei Tarja!! <3
    Congratulations to the winners 😉
    Love from Poland.

  11. Angel Javier Molina Rodríguez

    OMG! I can’t believe i won.
    Thanks Tarja, i love you so much.
    ¡Congratulations to all!

  12. Lia

    OMG! I just CAN’T BELIEVE!!! I WON *O*

  13. 07/23/2013

    Hi ..

    very very very very happy …..
    Thank you for everything, I love you very much ..
    loved doing the photo, paint me was sensational ..
    Thank you again and again. 😀

  14. Juan Pablo

    Thanks a lot for picking my work, today… it was a tough day, and with this, you (together with my friends, who are also your fans and were cheering for me and my submission) made me happy for a while 🙂 .
    Thanks for choosing my artwork Tarja, meant a lot for me today 😉 . Congratulations to all the other contestants, winners or not, all entries were really cool and fun to watch 🙂

  15. 07/23/2013

    Wow beautiful pics!!, congratulations for the great work to everybody! kisses from Italy, I really can’t wait to hear your new songs and see you live:)

  16. Alétheia

    Hey, that’s very cool! I enjoyed all the photos, the people made them very originally. I gave up my own light-blue face and now I’m glad. ☻Hey, that’s very cool! I enjoyed all the photos, the people made them very originally. I gave up my own light-blue face and now I’m glad (o=0.

  17. Carlos C

    Congrats to all the winners!!! I didn’t win but I had so much fun making my cover! I’ll print out mine and make a giant poster haha. Congrats!

  18. omfg

    Sorry Tarja, but I thought that you have better taste..

  19. 07/23/2013

    I am very happy to have participated and thank you for choosing me along with so many other good works.
    Thank you Tarja!
    Love from Recife!

  20. 07/24/2013

    My entry is one of the winners! I’m so so soooo happy! 😀 Thank you Tarja! The best of all is that you saw my work! ^^ I’m really exited right now!

  21. 07/24/2013

    EarMusic had uploaded the wrong baby photo, my final one was green face, instead of ‘who the hell smeared shit all over this baby’s face’ one. LOL!

    Oh well, maybe next time. These winners did some good photos. ^_^

  22. M

    Again I loose ):

  23. Magdalena S.

    Dear Tarja! It was amazing to take a part in Your contest! I just hope that You got to like my artwork at least a little. 🙂 This time I didn’t win but I hope that You will announce some more contests in the future. ;D Can’t wait for ‘Colours in the Dark’ and to see You in Poland again. <3 Love You, our Queen. Congratulations to all the winners!

  24. RUSLAN

    Thanks, dear Tarja! ♥
    Love from Russian Federation!

  25. 08/01/2013

    “Victim Of Ritual” cover competition winners | Tarja
